Mail transfers are sent to the correspondent bank,unless otherwise instructed by clients ().
Aby courier service
Bby ordinary mail
Cby airmail
Dby seamail
The operations of a telegraphic transfer is just the same as the mail transfer.
In the case of MT,the remitting bank issues a draft to its customer,and directs its foreign branch or correspondent by mail to make the payment to the beneficiary.
Which bills aren’t required endorsement when transferred in the following items?下列哪些票据在转让时不需要背书?()
Promissory notes are commercial documents.
The principal is usually the importer.
D/D stands for Demand Draft.
What bills are invalid?以下那些票据是有效的?()
Among TT,MT and DD,TT is the cheapest method of payment.
某公司签发一张汇票,上面注明“At 90 days after sight”,这是一张()。