When an UNDO segment is created manually by you, its availability status is set to which of the following automatically by Oracle?()
BPending online
When is an implicit anchor created?()
you can perform an active database duplication when the database is in NOARCHIVELOG mode.()
When performing an incomplete recover of the whole database, which data files must you restore? ()
When does Oracle9i flag an index as being used in the V$OBJECT_USAGE view?()
Which statement describes the effect on an index, when the indexed column for the rows is updatedin the base table()
When you are performing media recover, and an archived log is lost or corrupt, which type of recover must you perform?()
Which data dictionary views displays the error information related to a data file, when an internal read fails on that file?()
Why does performance degrade when many UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE statements are issued on a tablethat has an associated Bitmap index()
When performing a backup using Recovery Manager (RMAN), which four types of files can be backed up with the RMAN BACKUPcommand? ()
When performing a backup using Recovery Manager (RMAN), which four types of files can be backed up with the RMAN BACKUP command?()