短文互译:From Chinese into English在国际贸易中买卖双方距离遥远,业务成交与实际交货时间相隔较长,付款问题远比国内贸易复杂。卖方总希望在收到货款后发货,而买方总希望收到货物后付款。所以国际贸易中,一般采用信用证付款方式,使买卖双方的利益都得到一定的保障。
In international trade,buyers and sellers are far apart from each other,and the time between the conclusion of business and the actual delivery of the goods is rather long. There-fore,payment is far more complicated than that in domestic trade. Seller
短文互译:From English into Chinese A joint venture is a form. of business organization undertaken by two or more parties. It is China’s Policy to enter into joint ventures with foreign enterprises in order to expand international economic cooperation and technologi.
短文互译:敬启者:你公司4月5日询价函收悉,很高兴你公司对我公司的茶叶感兴趣。现随函寄上茶叶最新目录及价目表各一份。请注意,价目表上所列第1-10项均可供现货。我公司经销的各种品种、牌号的茶叶均为中国名茶,品质上等,远销欧、美、亚、非众多国家和地区。已另邮航寄可供现货的三种名茶样品,这三种茶叶在你地一直颇受欢迎。有关详细介绍,请参阅目录。你方若需了解上述目录及价目表中未涉及的情况,请告。期待接到你公司的定单。此致A B C Trading Company Shanghai Tea I/E Corp.经理 王大